Culture Medium Holdings Corp. Announces Name Change, New Directors
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA--(Marketwire - March 21, 2011) - Culture Medium Holdings Corp. (OTCBB:CLTR) ("Culture Medium" or the "Company") announced today that it has changed its name from Brand Neue Corp. to Culture Medium Holdings Corp. The Company has received its new CUSIP Number (23028A 107) and began trading under the new name and a new ticker symbol "CLTR" effective Monday, March 14, 2011.
"In order to more accurately reflect our focus on socially responsible and sustainable business solutions, we have adopted a new corporate name, Culture Medium Holdings Corp.," said Alex Eliashevsky, President and CEO.
Culture Medium also announced the appointment of Michelle Tucker and Stephen Wolfe to the Board of Directors of the Company.
Michelle Tucker is an experienced business owner based in Boulder, Colorado. She is the founder and owner of MST Financial Services, LLC a financial services company handling the back end processing for attorneys specializing in non-bankruptcy debt settlement, and is the founder and sole owner of Resolve Credit Counseling, LLC specializing in consumer debt settlement. Ms. Tucker is also founder and managing member of Top Shelf Alternatives, a fully-equipped Colorado medical marijuana dispensary, President of Medicinal Gardens of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado medical marijuana dispensary and grow operation, and the founder of Morganically Grown, LLC, a Colorado medical marijuana grow operation.
Stephen Wolfe is the Principal Chemical Engineer at Columbia Energy and Environmental Services, Inc. in Richland, Washington. Mr. Wolfe has worked on the design, fabrication, testing, startup and documentation for over 30 water treatment systems, including both the removal of specific constituents and broader systems purifying from ground water standards to ultra-pure. Mr. Wolfe specializes in waste water treatment with ion exchange resins. For the past three years he has supported the pump and treatment systems for the Hanford ground water program.
Mr. Wolfe has more than 17 years of experience in process engineering, nuclear waste treatment, transport and disposal, water treatment, project management, nuclear analysis, facility start-up and commissioning, chemical production, analytic equipment design, and research. He has extensive experience interfacing with the DOE, EPA and Ecology on technical issues involving groundwater remediation processes.
The business strategy at Culture Medium Holdings Corp. is to deliver sustainable organic growth through the careful selection of business units that create the protected space for the birth of sustainable commerce. A Culture Medium Company is a company which embraces the idea of social responsibility and focuses on sustainability and the greater good of society. From LED lighting and health and wellness products, Culture Medium Holdings Corp. aims to become a leader in the area of sustainable commerce. For further information, please contact the Culture Medium Holdings office at 702-589-5849 or visit [ www.culturemedium.com ].
This news release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. The Company assumes no obligation for the accuracy or completeness of those forward looking statements and undertakes no obligation to revise these forward looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this news release.